Sunday, February 11, 2007


Back when video games may have gotten started, there were a few people who had ideas as to how and when games would be made and played. Many of these pre programming genius's ,I think, relied on ordinary children's games (with a lot of imagination) to get things started in  the realm of game programming. when we were growing up did we not play some sort of variation of table tennis, Ping Pong. There were adventures to be had playing hide and seek. Then thee were classic table games that started the roots of strategy games. One of these was checkers and the other was chess. Out of these games came the very foundation of video games to date.


New Stuff

In the area of components, you would have to consider the basics.

  1. Preamble: Sort of an introduction to your program- aka splash screen
  2. Menu structure: This is to give users some options
  3. Game engine: Here you will need an outline to begin--- procedures,etc.

Procedures to which the program may actually initialize elements of graphics

rendering, messages, and code cleanup